iScreen Vision offers a solution for pediatric vision screening that not only can improve your quality of care, but also can generate revenue for your practice. With a low-cost device, affordable per-patient fee and eligibility for insurance reimbursement, iScreen makes photoscreening accessible to any practice. Receive accurate results from iScreen’s expert human analysts. Smoothly integrate iScreen into your everyday operations with our hands-on support. iScreen is quick, productive and painless — for your patient AND your practice.
Better Care. More Support. Fewer Headaches.
Our Benefits
Frequently Asked Questions
Is iScreen Vision only for pediatricians?
No. Our device is used by many different physicians and medical professionals, including family practitioners, ophthalmologists, hospitals, and health clinics. Schools and community and volunteer screening programs like Lions Clubs also use iScreen if their programs are run under the guidance of a physician or other qualified medical professional. U.S. Federal Law restricts the iScreen Vision Screener 3000 to the sale by or on the order of a licensed physician or other qualified medical professional.
What do I need besides the iScreen device to get started?
The small hand-held camera is portable and requires nothing more than an Ethernet connection and a standard electrical outlet for transmission, allowing it to quickly become part of your current practice.
Is iScreen Vision eligible for insurance reimbursement?
Yes. iScreen Vision is eligible for reimbursement by most major insurance companies under a Category I CPT Code 99174 for Instrument-based ocular screening (e.g., photoscreening, automated-refraction), bilateral; with remote analysis and report.
Can I try iScreen Vision before I buy it?
Yes. iScreen Vision offers risk-free 30-day trials to evaluate whether our pediatric vision screening solution is a fit for your practice. We’ll provide you with our screening device to let you see how you, your staff, and your patients and their parents like it. We’ll provide training at no charge. And we’ll work with your billing team to ensure you are maximizing your insurance reimbursement.
Is iScreen a one-time test or an annual test?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends annual vision screening because young eyes can change rapidly. Annual screening is the most effective way to ensure that you catch problems early enough that they can be addressed before a child’s vision loss becomes permanent. One advantage of having iScreen’s human analysts reviewing patient screenings is that they can compare a child’s screening each year to the prior year to see what changes may have occurred.
Have any professional medical societies issued guidelines for instrument-based pediatric vision screening?
Yes. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) and the American Association of Certified Orthoptists (AACO) have issued several joint policy statements.