These FAQs discuss topics including: Lions Club Vision Program, and Lions Club Vision Screening, and Iowa Kidsight, Iowa Kidsight Vision Screening Program.
Lion's Club Vision Screening FAQs
Lions Club
Lions Clubs International is a service organization with clubs in the US and worldwide. Local club members are volunteers. The Lions Club vision statement is “To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service” and its mission statement is “To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.”
Founded in 1917, Lions Clubs International is one of the world’s largest service club organizations, with more than one million members in more than 46,000 clubs worldwide.
In 1925, Helen Keller addressed the Lions at their international convention and urged them to become “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” Since then, Lions have become renowned worldwide for their efforts to improve sight, prevent blindness and other visual impairment, and improve eye health and eye care for millions of people around the world.
Yes, several Lions Clubs use iScreen Vision. Iowa Kidsight, a joint project of the Lions Clubs of Iowa and the University of Iowa, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, which is “dedicated to enhancing the early detection and treatment of vision impairments in Iowa’s young children (target population 6 through 48 months of age) through screening and public education” is the single largest user of iScreen Vision devices with over 40 iScreen Vision photo screeners in use.
According to the Lions Club International website (, Lions vision programs and vision screenings results include programs that have, among other things:
- “Saved the sight of more than 15 million children by providing eye screenings, glasses and other treatments through Sight for Kids.”
- “Established or strengthened pediatric eye care centers that have helped more than 120 million children.”
- “Prevented serious vision loss for more than 30 million people worldwide.”
- “Improved eye care for 100 million people by training more than 650,000 eye care professionals and building 315 eye hospitals.”
- “Distributed more than 147 million treatments for river blindness.”
- “Provided nearly 8 million cataract surgeries.”
Lions Club Vision Screening FAQs
These FAQs discuss topics including: Lions Club Vision Program, and Lions Club Vision Screening, and Iowa Kidsight, Iowa Kidsight Vision Screening Program.